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photography by camille watts


"In this piece of work, I used my DSLR camera and created a makeshift studio in my bathroom! I am greatly inspired by 60s fashion editorials and have been seeing a lot of milk bath shoots all over social media, so I thought I would put my own twist on it. It took a lot of milk, bath bombs, and flowers but definitely worth it!! I love to incorporate fun and vibrant color pallets in my work and never had so much fun during a shoot!"


"For this shoot, I also created a studio in my basement using a ping pong table, fabrics,and old table clothes as the backdrop. I love using items from the thrift store in my shoots, so Iventured out and found inspiration for this project through the materials and clothing I found! Igo to RIT and major in photography, so as I do have the option to use real studios, I always findit fun to create my own set with the little lighting and equipment I have. Photography for me doesn’t need to be done in a certain way to create the outcome you imagine, it’s all about making the ideas in your mind a reality for others to see!"


"These photographs also came from the shoot entitled Gracie, except there were shot using a film camera. I used to shoot a lot of film in high school but got more into digital work going into college. I found this camera at a thrift store and to my surprise it worked like a charm. I love the look of black and white film photography as It gives off such a nostalgic and sensual feel, so these to me are a beautiful representation of form and femininity."

words and photos by camille.

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