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An interview with Charlie Anastasis from Liily

Our writer Chloe recently had the opportunity to have a little chat with Charlie Anastasis the bassist of LA based band Liily about music, touring, their new album TV or Not TV and so much more. Check out the interview below!

First, thanks so much for taking the time to answer some questions! How are all of you?

The covid 19 is pumping through my veins but l’m feeling stronger by the minute.

Can you give us a little background on who Liily is? How did you all meet, and how did Liily come to be?

It’s a little romantic, Maxx and l met in catholic boys school freshman year and we became best friends immediately. Then Maxx introduced me to Sam who he had been making music with. After a while of playing shows without a singer we snagged Dylan who we had all known through our own little lives.

Also, why the name Liily? Does it have any special meaning to you, or someone you all know?

Its the name of our friend.

We’d love to hear about your writing, and overall creative process! How do your songs come to be, and do you have a ‘formula’ you follow?

The formula changes all of the time, it’s as singular as it is collaborative. Sometimes one of us comes in with an idea that is 90% of the way done, other times it starts and ends with all four of us in a room together.

How did that process translate when creating ‘TV or Not TV’? What was it like putting a full album together? Did you do anything that you didn’t expect?

The most unexpected part of the whole thing was going from writing every day in a room together to writing everyday in our rooms, alone. (Due to the lockdown). I think it seriously helped in a lot of ways though. I think if we didn’t have the time away from each other the record would have been a lot more half baked.

What story would you say you’re trying to tell with ‘TV or Not TV’? Is there anything major that you really want listeners to take away?

I don’t think there's anything specific we want someone to take away from it. It’s just a damn fine record.

I also saw that your album is now available on vinyl! How does it feel to hold something like that - something that’s yours, and all of the hard work you put into it - in your hands?

We have all been annoying and collecting records our whole lives so to have our own records in our hands feels great.

You guys have a lot of shows ahead of you this summer, and you’re sharing the stage with some really cool bands! Anywhere in particular you’re most excited to play, or any song you’re most excited to play live in front of a crowd?

Anywhere that people show up is where we are most excited to play!

I know you just played Bottlerock Napa too - how was that? Was it your first festival together? What’s your dream festival to play you think?

It was a good ole time, James Hetfield (mr Metallica himself) stood not but 10 feet away from me before our show. Hes much taller in person.

Something I always enjoy when seeing a band live (besides the actual band) is hearing what they have playing on their playlist prior to getting on stage! What are you all listening to right now? New music? Forever favorites?

Been listening to that new Soul Glo record a lot lately, you should definitely check that out those guys are crazy.

Do you have any advice for those wanting to start a band and do what you’re doing? What do you think it takes to get started in music?

I could use some advice myself honestly. But if there’s anything I’d just say try your hardest to worry less. Everything tends to be okay.

A quick fun one: Who’s most likely to open up the pit at a show?

Definitely Dylan, that dude is wild.

Thank you so much again for speaking with us! We always love to ask this, but who do you think we should be listening to and keeping an eye out for? Anyone else you’d love for us to feature on underground?

The pleasure has been all mine. Definitely listen to Soul Glo, and those crazy kids in Catcher and Model/Actriz

Words by Chloe

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