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the dune flowers self tilted album review

As the year is almost coming to an end, The Dune Flowers are back with their self titled album. The album consists of 12 songs that are the perfect tracks to start a new year too, that you’ll be listening to all throughout next year too. The album starts off with “Oh No” and what a incredible track to start with, from their lyrics to the vocals this track will be the song you’ll be listening to over and over again. “Sweet Pea” and “El Que Twelve” are up next, one dance song and one slower song. “Sweet Pea” has an infectious rhythm to it that sort of reminds you of Elvis, and you’ll know exactly which part I’m talking about. “El Que Twelve” is one of those songs you’d listen to driving down a highway, or when you are thinking about the person you like. “Get Tough” a song about a tall boy, who’s gotta get tough. The vocals in this song are so good. “She’s A Lady” has super catchy lyrics that will most definitely get stuck in your head, with a tune that will make you start bopping your head, and a very good way to let "Got Luck" into the mix. This track starts off with piano, it's a song that could be played in an old time black and white movie, the scream-y conversation in the song being something you don’t expect is probably a part you’d yell back and forth with your friends. "Shoreline" the acoustic track you've been waiting for, a somewhat of a sad song, but beautifully written lyrics that anyone could relate too. "Magic Hour" and it's soft "oooohhs" and "ahhhhs" will put you in a trances this track is slow, but the guitar says otherwise. "Lately" the start lyrics really bring the whole song together, short and sweet. Then you have "Daydream" a very sweet song with even sweeter lyrics. A song about someone you love, and of course you can't stop thinking about them. "Maryann" another track you can dance too, that you'll also fall in love with! The melodies in this track are perfect, and so are the vocals. "She's Wild" has that beach vibe tune to it, and you really will sing this track all night long. I mean who doesn't love a song with a catchy guitar to it? "Girl Is A Gun" the vibe of this song was unexpected in the best way possible, by the title you think it's going to have grity guitar, but it start's off with piano, and keeps going with it. It's a cute track, that's simple and a song you could play in the background while you go on with your day. The album ends with "Sad Boy Blues" the perfect end to this album, a slow track with beautiful back up vocals towards the beginning that really throws the song together. The harmonies are so good that this song doesn't really seem so sad despite the title of the track.

Don't forget to listen to The Dune Flowers new album out on 22 November!

Keep up with The Dune Flowers

Words by Melody

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