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the visual diary of a seventeen yr old girl


"My comb, my eyelash curler, my paint, and of course, my pink sheets. These are things that contribute to my daily life, and I wouldn’t be myself without them. I consider this a self portrait, but one that emphasizes my worst habits. Putting my eyelashes through hell every day for the past 5 years, simply to conform to certain beauty standards.. And for what? Along to go with my conforming habits, I feel the need to add tints of color to my lips every day. It may not seem like a big deal, but sadly, makeup becomes an addiction that adds up at the end of the day when becoming bare-faced. Yet, there are good aspects to these things. The temporary comfort these items provide me are my armor, a confidence building cape. This is a self-portrait that reaches into the crevices of my hopes and insecurities, and was driven by the intensity of emotions I carry every day."

naomi cordova, 2018

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