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we need to talk about: dale

Dale is a band made up of three dudes from Chicago, Illinois. They formed in the last year and have released one Album and a Single.

Their music is refreshing and interesting and very much worth giving a listen. Their most recent Single, “Psychedelic Wholesale,” which includes the two songs “Birds” and “Grand Payoff,” was released in late March.

I talked to the singer and guitarist of Dale, Justin, about the inspirations for the Single and he said, “We were definitely getting pretty into country music and Ween at the same time. I think we just wanted to do something to contrast our first album in terms of production.”

I asked him about the catchy slide guitar in their song off the single, "Birds," that seems to get stuck in my head every time I listen to it and he said, “Yeah we were messing around with my lap steel guitar a lot when we were writing and recording that stuff.”

Psychedelic Wholesale can be found on these platforms: Spotify iTunes Bandcamp

And Dale’s self titled first album can be found on Bandcamp!

Words by Mac

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